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Testimony and Briefs

COMMENTS: (June 16, 2022) by DC Appleseed to the Department of Energy & Environment regarding proposed guidance document on the beneficial reuse of dredged materials

TESTIMONY: (March 29, 2023) Given by Scout Cheeks to the DC Council Committee on Health, Department of Behavioral Health

TESTIMONY: (February 9. 2022) Given by Neil Richardson to the DC Council Committee on Workforce Development

TESTIMONY: (April 20, 2023) Given by Vanessa Batters-Thompson to the DC Council Committee of the Whole Regarding the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Support Act of 2023

COMMENTS: (August 9, 2023) Provided by DC Appleseed’s Anacostia River project team on the Department of Energy & Environment’s  Baseline/Performance Monitoring Plan for the Anacostia River Sediment Project 

TESTIMONY: (October 5, 2023) Given by Vanessa Batters-Thompson to the DC Council Committee on Health Public Roundtable on PR25-0290: "Director of the Department of Health Dr. Ayanna Bennett Confirmation Resolution of 2023" 

TESTIMONY: (October 5, 2023) Given by Neil Richardson to the DC Council Committee on Health Public Roundtable on PR25-0290: "Director of the Department of Health Dr. Ayanna Bennett Confirmation Resolution of 2023"

COMMENTS: (January 16, 2024) Given by DC Appleseed, Anacostia Watershed Society, DC Environmental Network, and Anacostia Riverkeeper, Re: Joint Comments on Anacostia River Sediment Project 30% Basis of Design Report, Explanation of Significant Differences, and Related Supporting Documents

TESTIMONY: (January 18, 2024) Given by Kristin D. Ewing at the DC Council Committee on Health Department of Health Performance Oversight Hearing

COMMENTS: (September 14, 2023) Provided by DC Appleseed’s Anacostia River project team on the Anacostia River Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) Draft Damage Assessment Plan (DAP) 

TESTIMONY: (April 10, 2024) Given by Kristin D. Ewing at the Budget Oversight: Department of Behavioral Health (DBH)

TESTIMONY: (February 8, 2024) Given by Neil Richardson at the FY 2023 Performance Oversight Hearing of DC Health Care Finance

TESTIMONY: (April 10, 2024) Given by Kristin D. Ewing at the Budget Oversight: Department of Health (DOH)

TESTIMONY: (February 3, 2025) Given by Kristin D. Ewing at the Performance Oversight: Department of Behavioral Health Hearing

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